The Technology behind Stablecoins: Operation and Benefits

Entering the fascinating world of cryptocurrencies, the ground shakes with each new innovation and technological revelation. In this scenario, where every move has a significant impact, one of the most intriguing digital currencies is perfected: Stablecoins. With them, the ideal of a stable and exchangeable digital asset worldwide becomes tangible. Discover the technology behind Stablecoins and how they work.

How do Stablecoins work?

First, let’s talk about how this particular cryptocurrency works. There are three methods of operation for Stablecoins: fiat-backed, cryptocurrency-backed, and algorithmic.

The first maintain their stability due to a reliable standard, maintained and backed by fiat currency reserves. A prototype of this is USD Coin (USDC).

In cryptocurrency-backed Stablecoins, the amount of collateral is constantly adjusted to maintain value stability.

Finally, algorithmic Stablecoins use algorithms and supply control systems to achieve stability, although they can fall victim to volatility.

Who issues Stablecoins?

According to the issuer, Stablecoins can be categorized into three types: those issued by private companies, those issued by central banks, and community-based ones. Each has specific characteristics and is used for peculiar purposes.

Applications of Stablecoins

The relevance of Stablecoins lies in their variety of applications. From making payments regardless of geographical latitude to making remittances more efficiently, Stablecoins present themselves as a solvent and fast alternative.

For investors, Stablecoins offer a value storage option without the wild fluctuations of other cryptocurrencies.

Traders, for example, use this type of cryptocurrency as a base currency for buying and selling crypto-assets.

Reaching P2P ecosystems, where Stablecoins function as an exchange on decentralized finance platforms.

Benefits of Stablecoins

In addition to being globally accessible and having faster and cheaper transactions, Stablecoins provide notable advantages.

They possess price stability that separates them from other volatile cryptocurrencies, thus gaining preference for uses such as payments and remittances.

Moreover, by operating on blockchain, Stablecoins give the possibility to create financial innovations due to their programmability, making them compatible with smart contracts and decentralized applications.

The Future and Challenges of Stablecoins

The future of Stablecoins is uncertain but promising. As technology develops and legal frameworks adapt, Stablecoins could become a more common form of payment and savings.

Finally, it is essential to remember that despite their advantages, Stablecoins also come with challenges and risks. The ongoing regulatory framework, centralization and security risks, and the intrinsic volatility of cryptocurrencies are important aspects to consider when trying to enter this world.


The technology behind stablecoins provides a variety of benefits and applications, although that does not exempt investors from conducting exhaustive research and understanding the risks they entail.

With Unas Holding Empresarial SL, you can get advice and investment services in cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins and mining. On the Unas-Holding blog, you will find a wealth of essential information about the world of cryptocurrencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Stablecoin? It is a cryptocurrency designed to keep its value stable in relation to a reference, such as a fiat currency.

What is the main advantage of stablecoins? Their main advantage is their price stability, making them attractive for various applications, such as payments, remittances, and value storage.

Who backs the value of stablecoins? These can be backed by fiat currency reserves, other cryptocurrencies, or maintain their stability through algorithms.

Are stablecoins safe? Like all cryptocurrencies, stablecoins can be susceptible to cyber-attacks or technological failures. Before investing, thoroughly research and seek proper advice.

Are stablecoins legal? The legal framework for stablecoins is still under development, so their legal status may vary depending on the country.

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